Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day - Don't Leave Home Without This Supplement

Valentine's Day is often celebrated with loved ones by going out for a romantic dinner or exchanging those salty sweet treats and boxes of chocolates!  The meals eaten on this day are usually something special, a little nicer than the typical dinners on any other day. Reservations at the finest restaurants are all booked up with couples looking to indulge over a fine meal in celebration of their love.   

So what can go wrong?  How about bloating, gas or heartburn!

Meals high in fat, sodium and calories can cause these uncomfortable and embarrassing problems if your body is not properly breaking down the foods you eat.  Supporting your digestive health is an important part of feeling good and providing your body with energy from foods you eat to power you through the day. 

Don't let bloating, gas or heartburn get in the way of your romantic Valentine's Day plans! Get the support you need naturally! Just 1 Innerzyme Papaya Enzyme Chewable following dinner!

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