Monday, February 4, 2013

Helpful Health Tip - Raw Foods, Enzymes & Digestive Health

HELPFUL HEALTH TIP: Although getting natural nutrients from raw food is ideal, many people do not consume a raw food diet so they lack the enzymes needed to ensure fats, carbohydrates and proteins are efficiently broken down and nutrients absorbed. Supplementing your diet with Innerzyme's Digestive Enzyme Complex allows you to reduce the stress placed on the stomach from processed foods and meals high in fat, sodium and calories. When taking Innerzyme with a meal, your body has the ability to break down the food into small substrates that can be utilized for energy production throughout the day.

If you experience gas, bloating or occasional heartburn following meals then your body is not properly breaking down the foods you are eating. When foods are not broken down small enough to digest, they become toxic in the body. Implementing a well-balanced digestive enzyme complex before a meal will provide the support you need to naturally relieve these uncomfortable symptoms caused by undigested or partially digested foods.

According to the National Institute of Health, 60 to 70 million people in America suffer from some type of digestive disorder.  People who suffer from poor digestive health are commonly linked to low energy, excessive gas, poor skin health, joint pain and discomfort, weight gain, weak immune system, headaches, heartburn and bloating following meals.

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