Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Innerzyme Pain & Inflammation Blend : A Natural Alternative to Over-the-Counter Pain Medicine and Prescription Painkillers

By Katie Jodscheidt, CPT – National Academy of Sports Medicine
Brought to you by Innerzyme

More than 3.9 billion dollars is spent on over-the-counter pain medications annually with acetaminophen being the most commonly used in North America. When taken in higher doses and for prolonged periods of time, acetaminophen has been shown to cause liver damage. Likewise, NSAIDs have been linked to side effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding, liver damage, stomach ulcers, immune system depression and kidney failure. 

Many people today suffer from pain, whether it is back pain, joint pain, neck pain or even knee pain. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, back pain is one of the most common medical problems, affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives.”  While some people experience sporadic pain following overuse or intense activity, others deal with pain on a daily basis, chronic pain.  It seems people will try anything if it means they will get out of pain fast.  

A matter of fact, did you know that pain is the last indicator that there is a problem?  Many people feel pain and they immediately try to think of a recent event that may have caused it.  However, pain can surface days, months or even years after the initial cause such as in the case of a car accident.  The first reaction following an accident is usually to think that you are fine because there is no immediate pain, however, people are encouraged to still get examined because the trauma to the body can cause pain down the road. 

Whether someone is dealing with dull pain, sharp pain, acute pain or chronic pain, the fact is, no one wants to live with pain.   Lets face it, it’s a PAIN!  Often times it hinders our ability to do what we enjoy whether it be exercising, activities with children or grandchildren or playing a sport.  While some people try a more natural route to reduce pain such as Chiropractic or Systemic Enzyme Therapy, others go straight for the prescription pain drugs, with the number one most prescribed being Hydrocodone/acetaminophen.  Most people are not thinking, what is this drug doing to my liver over time but instead how fast until this pill is going to kick in.  We live in a world of reactive healthcare when people should be focusing on preventative health.

Although many are looking to get out of pain fast, these prescription pain drugs simply mask the problem, cause damage to your liver and can be highly addictive.  Sure, prescription pain medicine might seem like a good idea in the short term but long-term use can cause a lot of internal damage.  It is time to face the facts instead of thinking out of sight out of mind.  Don’t wait for a problem, get ahead of it. 

The FDA cites a study conducted in 2005 for Acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: results of a United States multicenter, prospective study which found over 40 percent of acute liver failure cases over a six year period were caused by acetaminophen overdoses with about half being unintentional.  While many people reassure themselves that they have a legit reason to be on prescription painkillers in the first place, they fail to see the long-term effects they have on the body.  

We live in a world of instant gratification, take a pill and get results fast.  And understandably, those who deal with pain are just looking to get some relief.  What is best for your body is not always the first thing they think about.  The FDA is really coming down on the high dose of acetaminophen in prescription drugs because of the dangers associated with taking it.  In 2009, more than 128 million prescriptions were dispensed for name brand or generic versions of hydrocodone with acetaminophen. 

So why else do people turn to prescription pain medication versus taking the natural alternative route?  Many might say time and cost!  With the current economic factors, people are hesitant and even reluctant to spend fifty to sixty dollars on a high potency natural systemic enzyme supplement, like Innerzyme’s Pain & Inflammation Blend because they compare it to the cost of their $5-$10 prescription copay and determine that is a better value.  However, you cannot put a price of good health.  What they don’t see is the high price to be paid down the road by taking a shortcut and simply covering up the pain symptoms.  In turn, these five to ten dollar prescriptions overtime can have potentially dangerous effects on the liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys which can lead to medical bills far surpassing the cost of the natural alternatives. 

When is the last time you tried taking systemic enzymes or scheduled an appointment with a chiropractor or naturopath?  Have you ever?  Are you thinking to yourself, “What is an enzyme?”  Well, the truth is, you are not alone!  Many people shy away from these natural alternatives or practitioners because they are not familiar with them.  Or in the case of a natural health practitioner, they believe once they go one time, they are patients for life.  Additionally, someone who has been dealing with back pain for years might try chiropractic once but when they don’t feel better after one adjustment, they call it quits.  The back pain didn’t develop overnight so truly working to correct the problem might take more than just a few adjustments.  Likewise with systemic enzymes, people are so used to taking a prescription painkiller that starts to kick in within 20-30 minutes that when they try enzymes for a day and don’t feel a major difference, they get discouraged.  Systemic enzymes are not blocking the pain; they take time to get in your system and work to get to the root of the pain by naturally reducing inflammation and excess scar tissue.

Did you know that nearly all injuries and operations result in inflammatory reactions and build up of excess scar tissue which causes pain and swelling?  It is a natural protective response to injuries and trauma on a cellular level.  However, if the inflammation is not resolved or reduced in the acute stage, it can become a chronic inflammatory problem.

When caring for injuries and during recovery following an operation, "it is important to apply medications for reducing the swelling and anti-inflammatory as well as fibrinolytic agents.  If possible, such treatment should produce no adverse effects and should further the healing processes of the organism" (Wrba, H. & Pecher, O., Enzymes-A Drug of the Future, pg.75).

When looking at time, again, we live in a fast paced society and people feel they don’t have time to deal with pain in a healthy and safe way such as with systemic enzyme therapy or chiropractic care.  Dr. Stephen Gubernick, Chiropractic Physician in Scottsdale, Arizona says,

“I was introduced to Innerzyme about 8 months ago and continue to use it personally as well as with my patients in order to complement their spinal adjustments.  The Innerzyme products have been more than helpful.  In fact, they have been an important part of my treatment program.  I personally take Innerzyme products to not only reduce pain from overuse work stress but also to help me prevent repetitive stress injuries from developing.  I am very selective about the products that I take personally and recommend to my patients.  I can't recommend the Innerzyme products enough.”

People shy away from natural alternatives because they don’t think they will see results fast enough but correcting a problem takes longer than covering it up.  Again, the world would be a healthier place if more time were spent focusing on preventative health rather than reactive health. Natural pain alternatives do exist, however, they are often passed over because of misconceptions.  If you really want results, it is important to get to the root of the problem.

A firm believer in disease prevention is Dr. Eli Hammer, Medical Director of The Hammer Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.  With over 25 years of experience as a physician in Arizona, Dr. Hammer made the switch from Family practice to Anti-Aging Medicine.  He states,

“Conventional medicine still tends to use pharmaceutical drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen, among many others, to reduce inflammation. However, these synthetic drugs have many side effects, both minor and severe, that often hinder their long term use in many patients.  I have used Systemic Enzymes extensively in my practice along with taking them personally for a few years, seeing dramatic reductions in pain and inflammation, and therefore, significant improvements in quality of life.  Of all the Systemic Enzyme brands on the market, I truly believe Innerzyme has finally optimized the proper enzyme blend, while also vastly improving upon the delivery system for better efficacy and ease of administration.  Innerzyme Pain and Inflammation Blend naturally replenishes the many enzymes the body uses to fight inflammation and aid in the repair of damaged tissue.   The results from taking Innerzyme speak for itself.”
Innerzyme’s Pain & Inflammation Blend is revolutionizing the natural supplement market with specially formulated enzyme based supplements that offer a natural, safe and effective alternative to reduce pain, inflammation and scar tissue resulting from sports injuries, overworked muscles/joints and post operative recovery.  Innerzyme is highly recommended by athletes and healthcare professionals worldwide for it's optimized enzyme blend, state of the art delivery system and effectiveness.

Take a natural approach to reduce pain with Innerzyme's Pain & Inflammation Blend. Learn more, visit: http://www.innerzyme.com.


ACA | American Chiropractic Association.  Back Pain Facts & Statistics. www.acatoday.org

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Grand Rounds: Prescription Drug Overdoses – a U.S. Epidemic. January 13, 2012 | 61(01); 10-13. Online: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6101a3.htm

Hammer, Eli J., MD. "Benefits of Enzyme Therapy, Innerzyme & Anti-Aging." Personal interview. 10 May 2012.

Hoemecke R, Doenicke A. Perioperative enzyme therapy. A significant supplement to postoperative pain therapy? Anaesthesist. 1993 Dec;42(12):856-61

Acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: results of a United States multicenter, prospective study. Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, 98195, USA. Hepatology. 2005 Dec;42(6):1364-72. Online: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16317692.

Mayo Clinic. Back Pain. Written by Mayo Clinic Staff on September 11, 2012. Online: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/back-pain/DS00171/METHOD=print

Miller. Proteolytic enzymes in inflammation: rationale for use. Postgrad Med. 1956 Jan;19(1):16-22.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day - Don't Leave Home Without This Supplement

Valentine's Day is often celebrated with loved ones by going out for a romantic dinner or exchanging those salty sweet treats and boxes of chocolates!  The meals eaten on this day are usually something special, a little nicer than the typical dinners on any other day. Reservations at the finest restaurants are all booked up with couples looking to indulge over a fine meal in celebration of their love.   

So what can go wrong?  How about bloating, gas or heartburn!

Meals high in fat, sodium and calories can cause these uncomfortable and embarrassing problems if your body is not properly breaking down the foods you eat.  Supporting your digestive health is an important part of feeling good and providing your body with energy from foods you eat to power you through the day. 

Don't let bloating, gas or heartburn get in the way of your romantic Valentine's Day plans! Get the support you need naturally! Just 1 Innerzyme Papaya Enzyme Chewable following dinner! 


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Are You Following Through on Your New Year's Health Resolutions?

New Year’s Resolution Check Up
By Katie Jodscheidt, CPT, National Academy of Sports Medicine
(Brought to you by Innerzyme)

When January rolls around each year, people get excited about a fresh start, a clean slate to work with. After over-indulging in holiday meals and sweets, many reach the point of saying enough is enough by the end of December.  Just in time to make their New Year’s Resolutions.  Statistics show that about 45-62% of people make resolutions each year, with weight loss and getting into shape being top on the list.  However, statistics also show that only about 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolutions.  So why is that and how can you avoid becoming another statistic? The answer, make it a lifestyle, not a diet.  Many people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. 

When a person shifts their mindset from diet to lifestyle, working out, eating right and proper nutritional supplementation becomes habit rather than a chore.  Rather than waiting for a problem and reacting to it, more time should be spent focusing on preventative health.  Diseases and illnesses do not develop overnight but instead over years.  Many times, the early warning markers are present but ignored until it actually becomes a problem.  Believe it or not, pain is actually the last indicator that there is a problem.

Living a healthy lifestyle means there is no end date, no shortcuts, no easy button.  Want to know the real secret?  Hard work and holding oneself accountable. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last.  Well, neither does bathing.  That’s why we recommend it daily” (Zig Ziglar).  When setting a goal or making a resolution for yourself, it is important to make sure the goal is realistic and attainable.  Many people have heard the saying, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” yet so many fall into the trap of yo-yo dieting.  

To get results, a person must make healthy choices that fit into their lifestyle.  Portion control and moderation are very important! If you are a big eater who is used to sitting down to three large, high calorie meals, and all of a sudden you make a decision to just eat a protein bar three times a day, hopefully you see the red flags that this won’t last.  How about the lose 20 pounds in a week and eat what you want, also, red flags!  Many people do not want to hear it but true weight loss and healthy living takes time, a lifetime. 

Believe it or not, many people suffer from weight management issues because they are under eating.  If a person wants to keep their metabolism up, try implementing 5-6 small meals throughout the day.  Do not get discouraged because anything worth doing takes time.  Try to eliminate any excuses by setting yourself up for success, and remember slow progress is still progress. 

We live in a fast-paced world of instant gratification, a one pill fix, got to have it now mentality.  This might be why the resolution success rate is only at 8%.  While the resolution success rate is dropping, obesity rates are rising.  Obesity is becoming an epidemic and health issues are on the rise.  According to the article, "Obesity Linked to Increased Death Risks" by Sean Patterson, "Obesity has already been tied to a wide range of health problems, including cognitive decline.” 

Proper weight management begins with your food intake and the body’s ability to properly break down the fats, carbohydrates and proteins into substrates the body could use for energy.  Improving your overall health involves changing your lifestyle, not just diet.  There are three key factors:  Exercise, Food Intake (Diet), and Nutritional Supplementation.

Although getting the natural nutrients from raw food is ideal, many people do not consume a raw food diet so they lack the enzymes needed to ensure fats, carbohydrates and proteins are efficiently broken down and nutrients absorbed.  This is where enzymes come into play.  Supplementing your diet with digestive enzymes allows you to reduce the stress placed on the stomach from processed foods and meals high in fat, sodium and calories.  Enzymes are a vital element in the human body.  When taking digestive enzymes with a meal, your body has the ability to break down the food into small substrates that can be utilized for energy production throughout the day.

If you experience gas, bloating or occasional heartburn following meals then your body is not properly breaking down the foods you are eating.  When foods are not broken down small enough to digest, they become toxic in the body.  Implementing a well-balanced digestive enzyme complex before a meal will provide the support you need to naturally relieve these uncomfortable symptoms caused by undigested or partially digested foods.

According to the National Institute of Health, 60 to 70 million people in America suffer from some type of digestive disorder.  People who suffer from poor digestive health are commonly linked to low energy, excessive gas, poor skin health, joint pain and discomfort, weight gain, weak immune system, headaches, heartburn and bloating following meals.

So what is the secret to success when it comes to your New Year’s Resolutions in 2013?  Make it a Lifestyle, Not a Diet.  Make a commitment to your health this year by focusing on regular exercise, well-balanced meals and nutritional supplementation. 

If you’d like to see Innerzyme's Digestive and Systemic Enzyme supplements, click here


Clark, Michael A., Lucett, Scott C., and Sutton, Brian G. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. 4th Edition, 2012. Print.

Howell, Edward, and Maynard Murray. Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept.

National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Opportunities and Challenges in Digestive Diseases Research: Recommendations of the National Commission on Digestive Diseases. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health; 2009. NIH Publication 08–6514. http://www.nih.gov/
Wrba, H. & Pecher, O. Enzymes: A Drug of the Future. Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft AG & Co., 1993. Print.

Neergaard, Lauran and Agiesta, Jennifer. "Poll: Few Americans Know All the Risks of Obesity" (January 7, 2013).

Patterson, Sean. "Obesity Linked to Increased Death Risks" (January 7, 2013).

University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, December 13, 2012. http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Innerzyme - Natural Support for a Healthy Immune System

Systemic enzymes assist the body to balance the immune system and restore a steady state to the body. A low functioning immune system means the body is more susceptible to disease. However, an extremely high functioning immune system will often create antibodies that attach the tissues within the body such as with autoimmune diseases or arthritis. Supplementation of a well balanced systemic enzyme formula like Innerzyme's Pain & Inflammation Blend may help regulate the immune system and eat away at those antibodies that are attacking the body's tissue creating a disease state within the body.*

When it comes to viruses, protein cell walls build up around a virus and then bond together and replicate to cause harm throughout the body. The body knows what the body needs and these harmful protein walls are definitely not needed. The good thing about enzymes is they already know what protein to leave alone and what "foreign" protein to attack and eat away in order to inhibit the replication of the virus.*

Support your health today: http://www.innerzyme.com/Systemic_Enzyme.html

Monday, February 4, 2013

Helpful Health Tip - Raw Foods, Enzymes & Digestive Health

HELPFUL HEALTH TIP: Although getting natural nutrients from raw food is ideal, many people do not consume a raw food diet so they lack the enzymes needed to ensure fats, carbohydrates and proteins are efficiently broken down and nutrients absorbed. Supplementing your diet with Innerzyme's Digestive Enzyme Complex allows you to reduce the stress placed on the stomach from processed foods and meals high in fat, sodium and calories. When taking Innerzyme with a meal, your body has the ability to break down the food into small substrates that can be utilized for energy production throughout the day.

If you experience gas, bloating or occasional heartburn following meals then your body is not properly breaking down the foods you are eating. When foods are not broken down small enough to digest, they become toxic in the body. Implementing a well-balanced digestive enzyme complex before a meal will provide the support you need to naturally relieve these uncomfortable symptoms caused by undigested or partially digested foods.

According to the National Institute of Health, 60 to 70 million people in America suffer from some type of digestive disorder.  People who suffer from poor digestive health are commonly linked to low energy, excessive gas, poor skin health, joint pain and discomfort, weight gain, weak immune system, headaches, heartburn and bloating following meals.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Innerzyme Founder Katie Jodscheidt on Healthy Living!

Redondo Beach, California - Super Bowl 10k Run!

Innerzyme founder Katie Jodscheidt makes exercise, balanced eating and enzyme supplementation part of her daily regimen! When a person shifts their mindset from diet to lifestyle, working out, eating right and proper nutritional supplementation becomes habit instead of a chore. Rather than waiting for a problem and reacting to it, more time should be spent focusing on preventative health!

When January rolls around each year, people get excited about a fresh start, a clean slate to work with. After over-indulging in holiday meals and sweets, many reach the point of saying enough is enough by the end of December. Just in time to make their New Year’s Resolutions. Statistics show that about 45-62% of people make resolutions each year, with weight loss and getting into shape being top on the list. However, statistics also show that only about 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolutions. So why is that and how can you avoid becoming another statistic? The answer, make it a lifestyle, not a diet. Many people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.

To get results, a person must make healthy choices that fit into their lifestyle.

We live in a fast-paced world of instant gratification, a one pill fix, got to have it now mentality. This might be why the resolution success rate is only at 8%. While the resolution success rate is dropping, obesity rates are rising. Obesity is becoming an epidemic and health issues are on the rise. According to the article, "Obesity Linked to Increased Death Risks" by Sean Patterson, "Obesity has already been tied to a wide range of health problems, including cognitive decline.”

Proper weight management begins with your food intake and the body’s ability to properly break down the fats, carbohydrates and proteins into substrates the body could use for energy. Improving your overall health involves changing your lifestyle, not just diet. There are three key factors: Exercise, Food Intake (Diet), and Nutritional Supplementation.

See how Innerzyme can help, visit: www.innerzyme.com