Friday, January 18, 2013

NEW Book Release - Your Cervix (Just) Has a Cold by Dr. Brandie Gowey, NMD

Your Cervix (Just) Has a Cold

Read the Table of Contents and First Chapter, 
Exciting News! Dr. Brandie Gowey, NMD, founder of Naturopaths International has released her first book! Dr. B is a medical doctor who specializes in identifying and treating causes of disease. Innerzyme partnered with NI back in May 2012 to help support her efforts!

About Dr. Brandie Gowey

Dr. Gowey is a Naturopathic Physician and Botanist. She specializes in identifying and treating the causes of disease. She carries honorary degrees from both the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. She has been the recipient of several awards and recognitions, including the SCNM 2009 Alumni of the Year for her Service to Community. Dr. Gowey's goal is to offer naturopathy to any patient who may be in need, while at the same time innovating new treatments for diseases and conditions that currently have limited "cures." She is also the owner of Gowey Research Group, PLLC., which is working on a patent pending formula for topical cancers and incurable infections.

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is about treating the cause of the disease, and developing individualized treatment plans for patients. NI consists of primary care doctors who specialize in integrative medicine, including but not limited to homeopathy, herbs, nutrition, IV nutrition, and acupuncture.

Innerzyme Partners With Naturopaths International

Innerzyme by Signature Enzymes, LLC. announced that it will partner with Naturopaths International (May 2012) in a joint effort to raise and secure funding in order to help move one step closer to the ultimate goal - to restore global health via the healing power of nature.

Naturopaths International (NI) was founded on May 1, 2007 by Dr. Brandie Gowey. She and a handful of volunteer doctors have given out over 1 million dollars in free medical services and supplies to women and children in shelters, victims of natural disasters, and community members with financial need.

Innerzyme founder Katie Jodscheidt, NASM-CPT will work alongside Dr. Gowey and the NI Board to campaign and raise funds for a headquarter office and staff. Katie is a health and fitness enthusiast with a passion for educating others on living a healthy lifestyle through proper diet, regular exercise and nutritional supplementation with her specialty being enzyme therapy - Innerzyme. Katie is a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Before Innerzyme, Katie owned and established MedLink Wellness Center, a full service chiropractic clinic in St. Charles, Illinois where she employed three chiropractors, a massage therapist and an acupuncturist.

By helping Naturopaths International raise a large enough fund, interest would be generated to support the salaries and activities of grand writing and fundraising for NI. At that point, the monies generated could go to re-start much needed programs within the State of Arizona and beyond, for patients in need of both free and low-cost medical care, but also naturopathic care.

Learn more about her book and the partnership, visit

Related topics:  naturopathic, naturopathy, naturopaths international, NI, innerzyme, health, natural, remedy, dr. b, brandie gowey, nmd, dr brandie gowey, herbs, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, enzymes, katie jodscheidt, wellness, integrative medicine, iv nutrition, chiropractic, digestive enzymes, enzyme therapy, systemic enzymes, books, health books, healthy, womens health, your cervix just has a cold, womens health issues

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