Sunday, February 3, 2013

Innerzyme Founder Katie Jodscheidt on Healthy Living!

Redondo Beach, California - Super Bowl 10k Run!

Innerzyme founder Katie Jodscheidt makes exercise, balanced eating and enzyme supplementation part of her daily regimen! When a person shifts their mindset from diet to lifestyle, working out, eating right and proper nutritional supplementation becomes habit instead of a chore. Rather than waiting for a problem and reacting to it, more time should be spent focusing on preventative health!

When January rolls around each year, people get excited about a fresh start, a clean slate to work with. After over-indulging in holiday meals and sweets, many reach the point of saying enough is enough by the end of December. Just in time to make their New Year’s Resolutions. Statistics show that about 45-62% of people make resolutions each year, with weight loss and getting into shape being top on the list. However, statistics also show that only about 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolutions. So why is that and how can you avoid becoming another statistic? The answer, make it a lifestyle, not a diet. Many people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.

To get results, a person must make healthy choices that fit into their lifestyle.

We live in a fast-paced world of instant gratification, a one pill fix, got to have it now mentality. This might be why the resolution success rate is only at 8%. While the resolution success rate is dropping, obesity rates are rising. Obesity is becoming an epidemic and health issues are on the rise. According to the article, "Obesity Linked to Increased Death Risks" by Sean Patterson, "Obesity has already been tied to a wide range of health problems, including cognitive decline.”

Proper weight management begins with your food intake and the body’s ability to properly break down the fats, carbohydrates and proteins into substrates the body could use for energy. Improving your overall health involves changing your lifestyle, not just diet. There are three key factors: Exercise, Food Intake (Diet), and Nutritional Supplementation.

See how Innerzyme can help, visit:

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